went back to monitoring via pings; starting terminal interface over the weekend
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Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
general outline
- reserved ips
- only really matters for server itself
- convienent for the devices but not extremly neccesarry
- seems to be that now the local network addresses stay the same
- vlan for the server and embedded devices
- server/devices can still access http(s?) port for updates
- just want to close devices ssh port
- way to connect to vlan remotely (vpn tunnel)
- ssh into any device once connected to the server
- subdomain/static ip for server to test with autoconnect?
- can test with reserved ips
- basically endpoint.forelight.com would forward to the provided ip:port combo to allow remote client testing and hardcoded urls for dns resolution
- local dns option?
- ask about laptop dual boot
- fedora on like 50 gigs with a barebones i3wm
- any auth issues?
reserve static ip for the server
mac address
ip address request
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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
package server
import (
// this package creates coordinators responsible for keeping track of active clients and invoking managers
type Coordinator struct {
Type string // ["reactor","tui"]
IncomingClients <-chan *Client
Err chan error
type Managers struct {
Directory map[uint32](chan<- bool)
func NewCoordinator(t string,ch chan *Client, err chan error) *Coordinator {
d := make(map[uint32](chan<- bool))
m := &Managers{Directory:d}
c := &Coordinator{Type: t,IncomingClients: ch,Err:err}
c.Managers = m
return c
func FindNewManager(c *Client,ch chan bool, err chan error) {
switch c.Type {
case "reactor":
case "tui":
log.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("ERROR %v NOT FOUND",c.Type))
func (c *Coordinator) Start() {
// on start we need to create channel listener
// on each new connection we want to check its id against our mapping
go c.Listen()
func (c *Coordinator) Listen() {
for {
cl := <-c.IncomingClients
go c.ClientHandler(cl)
func (c *Coordinator) ClientHandler(cl *Client) {
// (creates and) notifies manager of client connection
defer c.Managers.Unlock()
if m, exists := c.Managers.Directory[cl.Id]; exists {
// manager in memory
m <-true
} else {
// create channel and manager
ch := make(chan bool)
FindNewManager(cl, ch,c.Err)
c.Managers.Directory[cl.Id] = ch
// will block until manager is ready
ch <-true
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
package server
import (
pb "FRMS/internal/pkg/grpc"
// the goal here is to set up a gRPC server to respond to client pings with their IP and to establish a new manager for that specific client
// going to rename shit to be more general
type Listener struct { // exporting for easy use in the short term
// Reactor map[uint32]*ReactorManager this will go in eventual "coordinator" struct
Ip string
Port int
Err chan error
type Coordinators struct {
Channel map[string](chan<- *Client)
type Client struct {
Ip string
Port int
Id uint32
Model string
Type string
func NewClient(ip, model, t string, port int, id uint32) *Client {
return &Client{Ip:ip,Port:port,Id:id,Model:model,Type:t}
func GetIp(e string) (string, error) {
return system.GetIp(e)
func NewListener(ifconfig string,ch chan error) (*Listener, error) {
//m := make(map[uint32]*ReactorManager)
var ip string
var err error
if ip, err = GetIp(ifconfig); err != nil {
return &Listener{}, err
m := make(map[string](chan<- *Client))
c := &Coordinators{Channel:m}
l := &Listener{Ip:ip,Err:ch}
l.Coordinators = c
return l, nil
func (l *Listener) Start() {
// start grpc server and implement reciever
if err := l.Register(); err != nil {
l.Err <- err
// listener started and grpc handler registered
fmt.Printf("Started listener on %v:%v\n",l.Ip,l.Port)
func (l *Listener) Register() error {
// creates a gRPC service and binds it to our handler
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%v:0",l.Ip)) // by binding to :0 we should get assigned an empty port
if err != nil {
return err
l.Port = lis.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port // getting the port we were assigned
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer()
pb.RegisterHandshakeServer(grpcServer, l)
go grpcServer.Serve(lis)
return nil
func (l *Listener) ClientDiscoveryHandler(ctx context.Context, ping *pb.ClientDiscoveryRequest) (*pb.ClientDiscoveryResponse, error) {
// incoming reactor ping need to spawn coord
c := NewClient(ping.GetIp(),ping.GetModel(),ping.GetClientType(),int(ping.GetPort()),ping.GetId())
fmt.Printf("%v Client %v has connected from %v:%v\n",c.Type,c.Id,c.Ip,c.Port)
go l.ConnectClient(c)
// we dont handle any actual logic about the creation so we just respon true if the request was received
return &pb.ClientDiscoveryResponse{Success:true}, nil
func (l *Listener) ConnectClient(c *Client){
// send to reactor coordinator for ease
defer l.Coordinators.Unlock()
switch c.Type {
case "reactor","tui":
if ch, exists := l.Coordinators.Channel[c.Type]; exists {
ch <-c
} else {
ch := make(chan *Client)
newC := NewCoordinator(c.Type, ch, l.Err)
go newC.Start()
l.Coordinators.Channel[c.Type] = ch
ch <-c
log.Fatal("Error! client %v not supported!",c.Type)
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
package server
import (
// this package will implement a boilerplate manager
// manager connects to client on start and returns the gRPC connection to make gRPC clients
type Manager struct {
*Client // gives access to c.Ip c.Id etc
Hb time.Duration
Active active
Err chan error
type active struct{
func NewManager(c *Client, err chan error) *Manager {
hb := time.Duration(1) //hb to
m := &Manager{Hb:hb,Err:err}
m.Client = c
return m
func (m *Manager) Start() {
// establish connection with client and start pinging at set intervals
if !m.Activate() {
// manager already running
m.Err <-errors.New("Manager already running!")
} // if we get here, manager is atomically activated and we can ensure start wont run again
func (m *Manager) Exit() {
// exit function to eventually allow saving to configs
if !m.Deactivate() {
m.Err <-errors.New("Manager already disabled!")
fmt.Printf("Manager %v exiting\n", m.Id)
// reactor manager atomic operations
func (m *Manager) IsActive() bool {
defer m.Active.Unlock()
return m.Active.bool
func (m *Manager) Activate() bool {
defer m.Active.Unlock()
alive := m.Active.bool
if alive {
return false
} else {
m.Active.bool = true
m.Active.int = 0
return m.Active.bool
func (m *Manager) Deactivate() bool {
defer m.Active.Unlock()
alive := m.Active.bool
if alive {
m.Active.bool = false
return true
} else {
return m.Active.bool
// connection stuff
func (m *Manager) Timeout() int {
// keeps track of and generates timeout [0-1.2s) over span of ~2.5s
// returns 0 on TO elapse
defer m.Active.Unlock()
if m.Active.int < 9 {
v := int(5 * math.Pow(float64(2), float64(m.Active.int)))
m.Active.int += 1
return v
} else {
// exceeded retries
return 0
func (m *Manager) Connect() *grpc.ClientConn{
// establish initial gRPC connection with client
var opts []grpc.DialOption
var conn *grpc.ClientConn
opts = append(opts,grpc.WithTransportCredentials(insecure.NewCredentials()))
for {
if !m.IsActive() {
fmt.Printf("Aborting connection attempt\n")
return &grpc.ClientConn{}
var err error
conn, err = grpc.Dial(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v",m.Ip,m.Port),opts...)
// begin error handling
code := status.Code(err)
if code != 0 { // != OK
if code == (5 | 14) { // == unavailable or not found
to := m.Timeout()
if to == 0 {
fmt.Printf("Client not responding\n")
fmt.Printf("gRPC endpoint currently unavailable, retrying in %v ms\n",to)
time.Sleep(time.Duration(to) * time.Millisecond)
} else {
fmt.Printf("ERR GRPC: %v\n",code)
m.Err <-err
return conn
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
package server
import (
pb "FRMS/internal/pkg/grpc"
// this package will implement a reactor coordinator and associated go routines
type ReactorManager struct {
Devs *Devices
ClientConnections <-chan bool
type Devices struct {
mu sync.Mutex
D map[int]Device
func NewReactorManager(c *Client,ch chan bool,err chan error) {
d := new(Devices)
r := &ReactorManager{Devs:d,ClientConnections:ch}
r.Manager = NewManager(c, err)
go r.Listen()
func (r *ReactorManager) Listen() {
for {
c := <-r.ClientConnections
if c {
} else {
func (r *ReactorManager) Start() {
conn := r.Connect()
go r.Monitor(conn)
func (r *ReactorManager) Monitor(conn *grpc.ClientConn) {
defer conn.Close()
client := pb.NewMonitoringClient(conn)
for r.IsActive() {
req := &pb.ReactorStatusRequest{Id:r.Id}
resp, err := client.GetReactorStatus(context.Background(),req)
code := status.Code(err)
if code != 0 { // if != OK
fmt.Printf("Reactor %v down! ", r.Id)
for _,v := range resp.GetDevices() {
fmt.Printf("%v is %v, ",v.GetType(),v.GetStatus())
time.Sleep(r.Hb * time.Second) // time between sensor pings
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
package server
import (
// implement tui specific manager to be called for each client conn
type TUIManager struct {
*Manager // embedded manager for access to methods and client
Sys *KnownReactors
ClientConnections <-chan bool
Err chan error
Hb time.Duration
type KnownReactors struct {
Reactors map[uint32]*Reactor
type Reactor struct {
Devices map[string]*Device
type Device struct {
Status DeviceStatus
Type string
Addr int
type DeviceStatus uint32
const (
READY DeviceStatus = iota
func (d DeviceStatus) String() string {
return [...]string{"Ready","Active","Disabled"}[d]
func (d Device) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v is %v at %x",d.Type,d.Status,d.Addr)
type DeviceManager interface{
// GetStatus() uint32 UNSUPPORTED: arguable memory benifit but until we support 100s of sensors across 10s of tui clients im not implementing it
PrintSatus() string
GetType() string
func NewTUIManager(c *Client,ch chan bool, err chan error) {
k := new(KnownReactors)
m := NewManager(c, err)
hb := time.Duration(5)
t := &TUIManager{Hb: hb,Sys: k,Err: err, ClientConnections: ch}
t.Manager = m
go t.Listen()
func (t *TUIManager) Listen() {
for {
c := <-t.ClientConnections
if c {
} else {
func (t *TUIManager) Start() {
//conn := t.Conn()
//go t.Monitor(conn)
Reference in New Issue