package config
Load.go contains methods to load values from config, flags and env.
import (
func NewConfig(name string) (Config, error) {
// returns a Config Structure of assocaited name
return C, Load(name)
type ConfigStruct interface {
// structure to do demarshall config into
LoadFile(string) error
func LoadConfigFile(fname string, strct ConfigStruct) error {
// Demarshalls a given filename into the struct
// returns nil if successful
logging.Debug(logging.DStart, "Loading config for %s", fname)
// unmarshalling
if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil {
return err
logging.Debug(logging.DStart, "CON Loaded configs from %v", viper.ConfigFileUsed())
if err = viper.Unmarshal(strct); err != nil {
logging.Debug(logging.DError, "Cannot unmarshall %v", err)
return err
fmt.Printf("Outcome: %#v\n \n", C)
// unmarshalled at this point
func LoadConfig() Config {
return C
func (c *ServerConf) GetURL() (string, error) {
defer c.RUnlock()
return C.Server.URL, nil
func (c *ServerConf) GetOrg() (string, error) {
defer c.RUnlock()
return c.Server.Orginization, nil
func (c *ServerConf) GetPort(port string) (int, error) {
defer c.RUnlock()
portString, ok := c.Server.Ports[port]
if !ok {
portEnv := strings.ToUpper(port) + "_PORT"
return 0, fmt.Errorf("%s port doesnt exist! Please set using env %s=####", port, portEnv)
// returns int, err
//return strconv.Atoi(portString)
return portString, nil
func (c *ServerConf) GetServerToken() (string, error) {
defer c.RUnlock()
return c.Server.Token, nil
func (c *ServerConf) GetReactorClient(id uint32) (string, string, error) {
defer c.RUnlock()
idString := strconv.FormatUint(uint64(id), 10)
if r, ok := c.Reactors[idString]; ok {
return r.Bucket, r.Token, nil
return "", "", fmt.Errorf("reactor %v config doesnt exist", id)
// setters
func (c *ServerConf) UpdateURL(url string) error {
defer c.Unlock()
if url == "" {
return errors.New("string cannot be empty")
c.Server.URL = url
viper.Set("server.db-url", url)
return viper.WriteConfigAs(viper.ConfigFileUsed())
func (c *ServerConf) UpdateOrg(org string) error {
defer c.Unlock()
if org == "" {
return errors.New("string cannot be empty")
c.Server.Orginization = org
viper.Set("server.db-org", org)
return viper.WriteConfigAs(viper.ConfigFileUsed())
func (c *ServerConf) UpdatePort(pName string, port int) error {
defer c.Unlock()
if port < 1024 || port > 65535 {
// OOB
return fmt.Errorf("Port %d out of bounds! [1024,65535]", port)
if c.Server.Ports == nil {
c.Server.Ports = make(map[string]int)
c.Server.Ports[pName] = port
pname := fmt.Sprintf("server.ports.%s", pName)
viper.Set(pname, port)
return viper.WriteConfigAs(viper.ConfigFileUsed())
func (c *ServerConf) UpdateServerToken(token string) error {
defer c.Unlock()
if token == "" {
return errors.New("String cannot be empty!")
c.Server.Token = token
viper.Set("server.token", token)
return viper.WriteConfigAs(viper.ConfigFileUsed())
func (c *ServerConf) UpdateReactorClient(id uint32, bucket, token string) error {
sid := strconv.FormatUint(uint64(id), 10)
if token == "" || bucket == "" {
return errors.New("String cannot be empty!")
if reactor, ok := c.Reactors[sid]; !ok {
c.Reactors[sid] = ReactorConfig{Token: token, Bucket: bucket, Id: id}
} else {
reactor.Bucket = bucket
reactor.Token = token
c.Reactors[sid] = reactor
reactorbucket := fmt.Sprintf("%s.db-bucket", id)
reactortoken := fmt.Sprintf("%s.db-token", id)
viper.Set(reactorbucket, bucket)
viper.Set(reactortoken, token)
return viper.WriteConfigAs(viper.ConfigFileUsed())
func (c *ServerConf) Store() error {
return viper.WriteConfigAs(viper.ConfigFileUsed())