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2 years ago
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}Education}{1}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {1.1} \par \begin {minipage}[t]{.15\textwidth } \hfill \textsc {Present} \end {minipage} \hfill \vrule width\arrayrulewidth \hfill \begin {minipage}[t]{.80\textwidth } \textbf {Massachusetts Institute of Technology} \par \textit {September 2019 - Expected Graduation Date of May 2023} \par Majoring in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (6-2) \newline {\footnotesize \textit {Relevant Coursework:}} {\footnotesize {Introduction to Machine Learning, Operating Systems Engineering, Introduction to EECS via Interconnected Embedded Systems, Fundamentals of Programming, Computation Structures}} \end {minipage}\\\vspace {.1em} }{1}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}Experience}{1}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.1} \par \begin {minipage}[t]{.15\textwidth } \hfill \textsc {Fall 2022 - Spring 2023} \end {minipage} \hfill \vrule width\arrayrulewidth \hfill \begin {minipage}[t]{.80\textwidth } \textbf {ForeLight} \par \textit {Embedded Systems Engineering Associate} \par Continued work on the bioreactor control and monitoring scheme developed for resource-constrained embedded devices. Began implementing a central database with support for live monitoring \end {minipage}\\\vspace {.1em} \par \begin {minipage}[t]{.15\textwidth } \hfill \textsc {Summer 2022} \end {minipage} \hfill \vrule width\arrayrulewidth \hfill \begin {minipage}[t]{.80\textwidth } \textbf {ForeLight} \par \textit {Embedded Systems Engineering Intern} \par Designed and developed a bioreactor control and monitoring system to run on an embedded Linux device. Created with distributed systems goals in mind such as resiliency and flexibility \end {minipage}\\\vspace {.1em} \par \begin {minipage}[t]{.15\textwidth } \hfill \textsc {Fall 2021 - Spring 2022} \end {minipage} \hfill \vrule width\arrayrulewidth \hfill \begin {minipage}[t]{.80\textwidth } \textbf {ForeLight} \par \textit {Electrical Engineering Intern} \par Built several bioreactor LED control systems. Designed and built a manual control interface that was mounted into a NEMA 4 enclosure \end {minipage}\\\vspace {.1em} \par \begin {minipage}[t]{.15\textwidth } \hfill \textsc {Fall 2020} \end {minipage} \hfill \vrule width\arrayrulewidth \hfill \begin {minipage}[t]{.80\textwidth } \textbf {Novo Space} \par \textit {Remote Internship} \par Worked to develop a telemetry visualization/storage system ready to be deployed on embedded systems. Utilized tools such as Docker for consistent deployment across architectures \end {minipage}\\\vspace {.1em} }{1}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3}Skills \& Interests}{1}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {3.1} \par \begin {minipage}[t]{.05\textwidth }\ \hfill {-} \end {minipage} \begin {minipage}[t]{.90\textwidth } Experience programming in Go, Python, C/C++, and Bash \end {minipage}\\\vspace {-0.8em} \par \begin {minipage}[t]{.05\textwidth }\ \hfill {-} \end {minipage} \begin {minipage}[t]{.90\textwidth } Familiarity with several flavors of Linux including Arch, Ubuntu, Debian, and Fedora \end {minipage}\\\vspace {-0.8em} \par \begin {minipage}[t]{.05\textwidth }\ \hfill {-} \end {minipage} \begin {minipage}[t]{.90\textwidth } Dockerized an application to allow for deployment on resource-constrained embedded devices \end {minipage}\\\vspace {-0.8em} \par \begin {minipage}[t]{.05\textwidth }\ \hfill {-} \end {minipage} \begin {minipage}[t]{.90\textwidth } Experience using several microcontrollers and SoCs such as the BeagleBone Black, Raspberry Pi, and ESP-32 \end {minipage}\\\vspace {-0.8em} \par \begin {minipage}[t]{.05\textwidth }\ \hfill {-} \end {minipage} \begin {minipage}[t]{.90\textwidth } Designed hardware using HDLs such as Minispec and then programmed said virtual hardware using RISC-V \end {minipage}\\\vspace {-0.8em} \par \begin {minipage}[t]{.05\textwidth }\ \hfill {-} \end {minipage} \begin {minipage}[t]{.90\textwidth } Corebooted my ThinkPad x230 with a ch341a external programmer to remove the BIOS whitelist and disable the Intel Management Engine \end {minipage}\\\vspace {-0.8em} }{1}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4}Extracurricular Activities}{1}{}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {4.1} \par \begin {minipage}[t]{.15\textwidth } \hfill \textsc {Present} \end {minipage} \hfill \vrule width\arrayrulewidth \hfill \begin {minipage}[t]{.80\textwidth } \textbf {Gordon Engineering Leadership} \par Developing leadership, teamwork, and communication skills in a selective leader development program for engineering undergraduates \end {minipage}\\\vspace {.2em} \par \begin {minipage}[t]{.15\textwidth } \hfill \textsc {Present} \end {minipage} \hfill \vrule width\arrayrulewidth \hfill \begin {minipage}[t]{.80\textwidth } \textbf {Delta Kappa Epsilon} \par Served as chapter President during the 21-22 academic year \end {minipage}\\\vspace {.2em} }{1}{}\protected@file@percent }
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