[colors] background = #001D1F21 background-alt = #373B41 #foreground = #C5C8C6 foreground = #DDD primary = #F0C674 secondary = #8ABEB7 disabled = #707880 alert = #A54242 [section/base-bar] ; base bar settings width = 100% radius = 5 ; font font-0 = Hack Nerd Font;2 ; ipc enable-ipc = true ; seperator separator = | separator-foreground = ${colors.disabled} module-margin = 1 padding = 2 ; multi-monitor support monitor = ${env:MONITOR} ; places bar at the top bottom = false fixed-center = true ; hybrid bg color, might go lighter grey background = ${colors.background} ; hybrid fg color, might go lighter if I go lighter grey foreground = ${colors.foreground} [bar/thinkpad-bar] ; thinkpad bar conf inherit = section/base-bar font-0 = Hack Nerd Font:size=10;2 height = 14pt ; modules modules-left = xworkspaces weather-thinkpad modules-right = battery pulseaudio memory cpu wlan uptime seafile calendar-sync bg-selector date-tp powermenu [bar/desktop-bar] ; desktop bar config inherit = section/base-bar ; height height = 24pt ; modules modules-left = xworkspaces focus-fast spotify spotify-len todo ;modules-left = xworkspaces spotify spotify-len modules-center = weather-desktop modules-right = pulseaudio memory cpu temperature eth dev-bat seafile calendar-sync bg-selector quotes date powermenu [bar/work-bar] ; desktop bar config inherit = section/base-bar ; height height = 18pt ; modules modules-left = xworkspaces focus todo ;modules-left = xworkspaces spotify spotify-len modules-center = weather-desktop modules-right = memory cpu temperature eth seafile bg-selector date powermenu [module/xworkspaces] type = internal/xworkspaces label-active = %name% label-active-background = ${colors.background-alt} label-active-underline= ${colors.primary} label-active-padding = 1 label-occupied = %name% label-occupied-padding = 1 label-urgent = %name% label-urgent-background = ${colors.alert} label-urgent-padding = 1 label-empty = %name% label-empty-foreground = ${colors.disabled} label-empty-padding = 1 format = [module/focus] ; correct title size type = custom/script interval = 0.2 exec = ~/.dotfiles/bin/focus_class [module/focus-fast] ; correct title size type = custom/script tail = true exec = ~/.dotfiles/bin/i3-focus.sh [module/pulseaudio] type = internal/pulseaudio format-volume-prefix = "VOL " format-volume-prefix-foreground = ${colors.primary} format-volume = label-volume = %percentage%% label-muted = muted label-muted-foreground = ${colors.disabled} [section/weather] type = custom/script interval = 30 ; left click is forecast click-left = i3-scratchpad.sh scratch st -n scratch -e weather -f ; middle click is nerdfont forecast click-middle = i3-scratchpad.sh scratch st -n scratch -e weather -pf ; right click is radar click-right = weather -r [module/weather-thinkpad] ; no desc to shorten inherit = section/weather exec = weather -p [module/weather-desktop] ; longer desc inherit = section/weather exec = weather -pd [module/memory] type = internal/memory interval = 2 format-prefix = "RAM " format-prefix-foreground = ${colors.primary} label = %used% format =