#!/usr/bin/env bash get_qotd() { # needs $quotes_json to be set len=$(echo "$quotes_json" | jq '. | length ') qotd=$(( $RANDOM % $len )) quote=$(echo "$quotes_json" | jq -r ".[$qotd].q") author=$(echo "$quotes_json" | jq -r ".[$qotd].a") } cur_date=$(date +%m-%d) quotes_file="$HOME/.dotfiles/bin/startup/$cur_date.json" if [[ ! -f $quotes_file ]] ; then # quotes file doesn't exist # remove old files and create new one quotes_json=$(curl --silent -fL "https://zenquotes.io/api/quotes/") old_files="$HOME"/.dotfiles/bin/startup/*.json if [[ ! -z $old_files ]] ; then rm "$HOME"/.dotfiles/bin/startup/*.json fi echo "$quotes_json" > "$HOME/.dotfiles/bin/startup/$cur_date.json" else # quotes file doesn't exist quotes_json=$(cat "$quotes_file") fi get_qotd # sets quote and author printf '"%s"\n - %s\n' "$quote" "$author" | fold -s