cleaned up timetracker

KeeganForelight 2 years ago
parent 94b9f164bd
commit 8489a5920c

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
Alright, this system needs to be robust and easy to use. I shouldn't have to do ANYTHING extra to use this
2 ways to do it
Have a file for each day and clock in and out
have a master log and parse the log
parsing the log seems significantly easier
File name can be generic because it gets cleaned as part of an accumulation script
i.e. timesheet.log
Everytime a user logs in echo
I, DATE, TIME to the file
A logout or i3lock echos
O, DATE, TIME to the same file
can be dead simple as far as the logging goes
clock -i to clock in
clock -o to clock out
Parser will have to be a bit more robust
hell with a parser, I have a better system.
1) On login echo date, start time >> to a csv
2) On logout echo end time, total uptime \n to same csv
Ending format:
Date, Time in, Time out, Total
11/11, 11:00, 12:00, 1
3) On every wednesday mv to a non-temp file for tracking and destroy csv
- Should be robust as hell as it will log entries into a seperate entry for the same date which can be compressed manually
- Column -s -t ',' < csv should make for easy viewing in terminal
- should be deadsimple to implement a way to track pay periods or modifyed command for entries

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Date, Time In, Time Out, Total Time
Nov-28, 12:15, 14:30, 2:15
1 Date Time In Time Out Total Time
2 Nov-28 12:15 14:30 2:15

@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
I 10-03T16:24
O 10-03T16:25
I 10-03T16:25
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O 10-03T16:31
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O 10-05T12:53
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O 11-04T19:34
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O 11-14T14:20
I 11-14T14:23
O 11-14T14:23
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O 11-15T21:11
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O 11-17T22:01
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O 11-18T19:39
I 11-20T15:34
O 11-20T19:22
I 11-21T15:10
O 11-21T19:09
I 11-28T12:20

@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
# Time sheet creator
# Stores clock in and outs to timesheet named for the ending date of the ts
usage() {
cat <<EOF
Usage: timetracker [-i|o|t|v|h]
Tracks timesheets automatically
-i, --in clock in
-o, --out clock out
-t, --total totals the hours worked
-v, --visualize prints the timesheet
-h, --help display this message
# dir for timesheets
# existing
TIMESHEET=$(ls "$HOME/.dotfiles/bin/timetracker/timesheets" | grep ".csv")
# generated by clock in
createTimesheet() {
payperiods=$((($(date +%s) - $(date -d "Dec-30-22" +%s)) / (14*24*3600)))
period_end=$(date -d "Dec-30-22 + $((($payperiods + 1) * 14)) days" +%b-%d-%y)
TIMESHEET=$(printf "%s.csv" "$period_end")
# create timesheet
echo "Date, Time In, Time Out, Total Time (HH:MM)" > "${TIMESHEET_DIR}/${TIMESHEET}"
getTimesheet() {
# get Timesheet to use
if [[ -z "$TIMESHEET" ]] ; then
# no timesheet, create one
# timesheet found, check we are still in period
period_end=$(date -d "$(echo "$TIMESHEET" | awk -F . '{print $1}') + 1 days" +%s)
if [[ $(date +%s) -ge $period_end ]] ; then
# past timesheet, moving to archive and creating new
clockIn() {
# clock in by creating env file
curdate=$(date +%s)
env_details=$(printf 'DATE=%s\nTIME_IN=%s\n' "$curdate" "$curdate")
if [[ ! -f "$CURRENT_SESSION" ]] ; then
# creating session
echo "$env_details" > "$CURRENT_SESSION"
echo "Already Clocked In!" >&2
exit 1
clockOut() {
# clock out
if [[ -f "$CURRENT_SESSION" ]] ; then
# session exists, get info
# printing to timesheet
TIME_OUT=$(date +%s)
TOTAL_TIME=$(($TIME_OUT - $TIME_IN + 3600 * 5))
echo "$TOTAL_TIME"
# printing to timesheet
printf '%s, %s, %s, %s\n' "$(date -d @$DATE "+%a %b-%d")" "$(date -d @$TIME_IN +%I:%M%P)" "$(date -d @$TIME_OUT +%I:%M%P)" "$(date -d @$TOTAL_TIME +%H:%M)" >> ${TIMESHEET_DIR}/${TIMESHEET}
# cleaning up session
# no session
echo "Not clocked in!" >&2
exit 1
visualize() {
# visualize the current timesheet
column -s "," -t < ${TIMESHEET_DIR}/${TIMESHEET}
totalHours() {
# tally up hours for the current timesheet
while read -r entry; do
date=$(echo "$entry" | awk -F , '{print $1}' | tr -d ",\n")
time=$(echo "$entry" | awk -F , '{print $4}' | tr -d " ,\n")
if [[ "$date" != "Date" ]] ; then
printf 'On %s worked %s\n' "$date" "$time"
hours=$(($hours + 10#$(echo "$time" | awk -F : '{print $1}')))
mins=$(($mins + 10#$(echo "$time" | awk -F : '{print $2}')))
hours=$(($hours + $mins/60)) # overflow
printf 'Worked %d hours, %d minutes\n' "$hours" "$mins"
# get the timesheet
# parse args
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] ; do
case $1 in
-h | --help)
exit 0
-i | --in)
-o | --out)
-v | --visualize)
-t | --total)
echo "Error: Unrecognized" >&2
exit 1