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package server
import (
pb "FRMS/internal/pkg/grpc"
_ "FRMS/internal/pkg/influxdb"
// this package creates the central coordiantor and sub coordiantors for clients
// interfaces
// db client interface
type DB interface {
// getters (all create if doesnt exist)
//GetToken() (string, error) // returns admin token (Creates if it doesnt exist)
GetReactorClient(int) (string, string, string, string, error) // returns (url, org, bucket, token, err)
// delete
// DeleteReactorClient(string) error // removes client token but maintains bucket
// PurgeReactorClientData(string) error // perm deletes all assocaited reactor data (token, bucket etc)
func NewDBAdmin(config *viper.Viper) (DB, error) {
return influxdb.NewDBAdmin(config)
type CentralCoordinator struct {
ClientConnections *ClientPacket
Config *viper.Viper
// from config
Ports map[string]int `mapstructure:"ports"`
Err chan error
type SubCoordinators struct {
Directory map[string]*SubCoordinator
func NewCentralCoordinator(config *viper.Viper, ch chan error) *CentralCoordinator {
c := &CentralCoordinator{Err: ch, Config: config}
if err := config.UnmarshalKey("server", c); err != nil {
// report error
ch <- err
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", c)
c.SystemViewer = NewSystemViewer()
go c.SystemViewer.Start()
s := make(map[string]*SubCoordinator)
sub := &SubCoordinators{Directory: s}
c.SubCoordinators = sub
return c
func (c *CentralCoordinator) Start() {
// starts up associated funcs
clientChan := make(chan *ClientPacket)
l := NewListener(clientChan, c.Err)
c.Config.UnmarshalKey("server.ports", l)
go l.Start()
go c.ClientListener(clientChan)
func (c *CentralCoordinator) ClientListener(ch chan *ClientPacket) {
for client := range ch {
// basically loops until channel is closed
cr := c.ClientHandler(client.Client)
client.Response <- cr
func (c *CentralCoordinator) ClientHandler(cl *Client) *ClientResponse {
defer c.SubCoordinators.Unlock()
subcoord, ok := c.SubCoordinators.Directory[cl.Type]
if !ok {
// Sub Coordinator does not exists
logging.Debug(logging.DSpawn, "CC0 01 Created %v Coordinator", cl.Type)
subcoord = NewSubCoordinator(cl.Type, c.SystemViewer, c.Err)
c.SubCoordinators.Directory[cl.Type] = subcoord
go subcoord.ClientHandler(cl)
// setting up client response
url, org, token, bucket, err := c.DB.GetReactorClient(int(cl.Id))
if err != nil {
c.Err <- err
cr := &ClientResponse{URL: url, Org: org, Token: token, Bucket: bucket, Port: c.Ports[cl.Type]}
return cr
type ManagerInterface interface {
NewManager(*Client, *SystemViewer, chan error) GeneralManager
GetManager(uint32) (GeneralManager, bool)
AddManager(uint32, GeneralManager)
type GeneralManager interface {
// used by sub coordinator to interact with manager
type SubCoordinator struct {
Port int // port that we set up gRPC endpoint on
ManagerInterface // embed an interface to create/manager managers
Err chan error
type Managers struct {
Directory map[uint32]interface{} // support for either manager
sync.RWMutex // potential perf
// interface stuff
func NewSubCoordinator(clientType string, sys *SystemViewer, err chan error) *SubCoordinator {
c := &SubCoordinator{Err: err}
c.SystemViewer = sys
man, errs := NewCoordinatorType(clientType, err)
if errs != nil {
err <- errs
c.ManagerInterface = man
go man.Start()
go man.Register()
return c
func (c *SubCoordinator) ClientHandler(cl *Client) {
// (creates and) notifies manager of client connection
func (c *SubCoordinator) UpdateManager(cl *Client) {
// shouldn't happen all that often so should be fine to lock
m, exists := c.GetManager(cl.Id)
if !exists {
m = c.NewManager(cl, c.SystemViewer, c.Err)
go c.AddManager(cl.Id, m)
go m.Start()
go m.UpdateClient(cl)
func (m *Managers) AddManager(id uint32, man GeneralManager) {
defer m.Unlock()
m.Directory[id] = man
func (m *Managers) GetManager(id uint32) (GeneralManager, bool) {
// just read locks and reuturns
defer m.RUnlock()
man, exists := m.Directory[id]
if !exists {
return nil, exists
return man.(GeneralManager), exists
func NewCoordinatorType(clientType string, err chan error) (ManagerInterface, error) {
m := make(map[uint32]interface{})
if clientType == "reactor" {
c := &reactorCoordinator{}
//m := make(map[uint32]*ReactorManager)
c.Managers = &Managers{Directory: m}
return c, nil
} else if clientType == "tui" {
c := &tuiCoordinator{}
//m := make(map[uint32]*TUIManager)
c.Managers = &Managers{Directory: m}
return c, nil
return &reactorCoordinator{}, errors.New("Unrecognized client type")
// creating sub coordinators for associated gRPC handlers
// reactor coordinator
type reactorCoordinator struct {
func (r *reactorCoordinator) Start() {
logging.Debug(logging.DStart, "RCO 01 Starting!")
func (r *reactorCoordinator) NewManager(cl *Client, sys *SystemViewer, err chan error) GeneralManager {
logging.Debug(logging.DClient, "RCO 01 starting manager for %v client %v", cl.Type, cl.Id)
return NewReactorManager(cl, sys, err)
func (r *reactorCoordinator) Register() {
//conf := LoadConfig()
port, err := conf.GetPort("reactor")
if err != nil {
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf(":%v", port))
if err != nil {
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer()
pb.RegisterMonitoringServer(grpcServer, r)
go grpcServer.Serve(lis)
logging.Debug(logging.DClient, "RCO ready for client requests")
func (r *reactorCoordinator) ReactorStatusHandler(ctx context.Context, req *pb.ReactorStatusPing) (*pb.ReactorStatusResponse, error) {
m, exists := r.GetManager(req.GetId())
if !exists {
return &pb.ReactorStatusResponse{}, errors.New("Manager doesn't exists for that client")
rm, ok := m.(*ReactorManager)
if !ok {
return &pb.ReactorStatusResponse{}, errors.New("Manager is not a reactor manager!")
return rm.ReactorStatusHandler(ctx, req)
// tui coordinator
type tuiCoordinator struct {
*Managers // by embedding general struct we allow coordinator to still call general funcs
func (t *tuiCoordinator) Start() {
logging.Debug(logging.DStart, "TCO 01 Starting!")
func (t *tuiCoordinator) NewManager(cl *Client, sys *SystemViewer, err chan error) GeneralManager {
logging.Debug(logging.DClient, "TCO 01 starting manager for %v client %v", cl.Type, cl.Id)
return NewTUIManager(cl, sys, err)
func (t *tuiCoordinator) Register() {
conf := LoadConfig()
port, err := conf.GetPort("tui")
if err != nil {
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf(":%v", port))
if err != nil {
// rip
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer()
pb.RegisterManagementServer(grpcServer, t)
go grpcServer.Serve(lis)
logging.Debug(logging.DClient, "TCO ready for client requests")
func (t *tuiCoordinator) GetDevices(ctx context.Context, req *pb.GetDevicesRequest) (*pb.GetDevicesResponse, error) {
// grpc handler to fwd to manager
m, exists := t.GetManager(req.GetClientId())
if !exists {
// doesnt exist for some reason
return &pb.GetDevicesResponse{}, errors.New("Manager doesn't exists for client")
tm, ok := m.(*TUIManager)
if !ok {
return &pb.GetDevicesResponse{}, errors.New("Manager is not of type TUI")
return tm.GetDevices(ctx, req)
// unimplemented bs for grpc
func (t *tuiCoordinator) DeleteReactor(ctx context.Context, req *pb.DeleteReactorRequest) (*pb.DeleteReactorResponse, error) {
return &pb.DeleteReactorResponse{}, nil
func (t *tuiCoordinator) DeleteReactorDevice(ctx context.Context, req *pb.DeleteReactorDeviceRequest) (*pb.DeleteReactorDeviceResponse, error) {
return &pb.DeleteReactorDeviceResponse{}, nil