#!/bin/bash display_usage() { echo "Usage: $0 reactor_type" } # checking for help options if [[ $@ == "--help" || $@ == "-h" ]] then display_usage exit 0 fi # checking that arguements are not empty if [[ -z $1 ]] then echo "Type of reactor not specified!" display_usage exit 1 fi # checking for valid reactor types if [[ $1 == "pi" ]] then platform="linux/arm64" elif [[ $1 == "bb" ]] then platform="linux/arm/v7" else echo "Reactor type $1 not supported!" echo "Supported reactors include: pi, bb" display_usage exit 1 fi # building reactor image echo "Building Reactor image for $1 platform=$platform" docker buildx build --rm --platform=$platform -f Dockerfile.reactor --tag localhost:5000/reactor . echo "Cleaning local images" docker image remove localhost:5000/reactor