@ -27,3 +27,23 @@ I can take advantage of the private network created via wireguard to allow the s
- handle disconnects via exit
- sets up cleaner device handling via multiplexing
# Jan 24
### Proto changes
It's time to refactor the current protobuf stuff to make more sense from the servers perspective. In this sense, I am going to have the reactor provide connection details to the server on connect, and then the server can connect/disconnect at will.
### Outline
- Update the server to connect to the reactor itself for the information
- Decide what information is important enough to send to the server consistently, vs what only is needed upon "further inspection"
- need reactor information on connect
- need basic device information such as address and status
- when selected
- need specific device breakouts with advanced functions per device
- this can be multiplexed over the same gRPC connection and can be fulfilled by the device coordinator
- dc will catch all incoming requests and forward to the correct DM based on address
### TODO
- reverse monitoring stuff
- make it so reactor manager has a timeout/ recognizes disconnects gracefully
- convert monitoring to a stream as opposed to consistent calls