package server
import (
pb "FRMS/internal/pkg/grpc"
// implement tui specific manager to be called for each client conn
type TUIManager struct {
*Manager // embedded manager for access to methods and client
Ip string
Port *port
StatusMon *StatusMonitor // use it for all devs coming in
Err chan error
type Timeout struct {
Alert chan bool
LastSeen time.Time
TO time.Duration
type port struct {
Chan chan int
func NewTUIManager(ip string, c *Client, sys *SystemViewer, err chan error) GeneralManager {
m := NewManager(err)
t := &TUIManager{Err: err}
t.Port = &port{Chan:make(chan int)}
alert := make(chan bool)
t.Timeout = &Timeout{Alert:alert,TO:time.Duration(2500*time.Millisecond)} // short time outs are fine because we will just rejoin
t.Manager = m
t.Ip = ip
t.StatusMon = NewStatusMonitor("TUI",t.Id,sys)
return t
func (t *TUIManager) Start(cl *Client) {
logging.Debug(logging.DStart,"TMA %v starting", t.Id)
go t.Timeoutd()
go t.Register() // begin tui server to respond to tui client reqs
//go t.Monitor(conn)
func (t *TUIManager) Exit() {
logging.Debug(logging.DExit,"TMA %v exiting",t.Id)
func (t *Timeout) PingReset() {
defer t.Unlock()
t.LastSeen = time.Now()
func (t *TUIManager) Timeoutd() {
for t.IsActive() {
if sleep, elapsed := t.Elapsed(); elapsed {
// timeout elapsed
logging.Debug(logging.DClient,"TMA %V client not responding", t.Id)
} else {
func (t *Timeout) Elapsed() (time.Duration, bool) {
defer t.Unlock()
now := time.Now()
if now.After(t.LastSeen.Add(t.TO)) {
// timeout expired
return 0 * time.Second, true
} else {
sleep := t.LastSeen.Add(t.TO).Sub(now)
return sleep, false
func (t *TUIManager) Register() {
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%v:0",t.Ip))
if err != nil {
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer()
go grpcServer.Serve(lis)
// send port now that server is up
t.Port.int = lis.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port
go func(ch chan int,p int) {
ch <-p
}(t.Port.Chan, t.Port.int)
logging.Debug(logging.DClient, "TMA %v ready for client conn", t.Id)
// up and running
func (t *TUIManager) GetPort() int {
port := <-t.Port.Chan
return port
// tui client requests and logic will be down here
func (t *TUIManager) GetDevices(ctx context.Context, req *pb.GetDevicesRequest) (*pb.GetDevicesResponse, error) {
go t.PingReset()
devices := []*pb.Dev{}
resp := &pb.GetDevicesResponse{ClientId:t.Id,Devices:devices}
if req.GetReactorId() > 0 || req.GetRefresh() {
resp.ReactorId = req.GetReactorId()
t.StatusMon.UpdateListener(t.Id, req.GetReactorId())
devs := t.StatusMon.GetBuffer() // always empty buffer
for _, v := range devs {
resp.Devices = append(resp.Devices, &pb.Dev{Id:v.Id,Type:v.Type,Status:v.Status,Data:v.Data,Index:v.Index})
logging.Debug(logging.DClient,"TMA %v sending devices to client" ,t.Id)
return resp, nil
func (t *TUIManager) DeleteReactors(ctx context.Context, req *pb.DeleteReactorRequest) (*pb.DeleteReactorResponse, error) {
go t.PingReset()
return &pb.DeleteReactorResponse{}, nil
func (t *TUIManager) DeleteReactorDevice(ctx context.Context, req *pb.DeleteReactorDeviceRequest) (*pb.DeleteReactorDeviceResponse, error) {
go t.PingReset()
return &pb.DeleteReactorDeviceResponse{}, nil