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250 lines
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package server
import (
_ "fmt"
// package will create and maintain a concurrent system structure
// allows for multiple readers/writers
type DeviceInfo struct {
Id uint32
Type string
Status string
Data string
Index uint32
TransactionId uint32
func NewStatusMonitor(ch chan *DeviceInfo) *StatusMonitor {
tid := make(chan uint32)
sm := &StatusMonitor{StatusChan:ch,TransactionId:tid}
return sm
type InfoStream struct {
// base stream for any reactor/device
// NewSender embedds the channel to send updates on
// NewListener will add the statusmon to the list of devs to echo to
Stream chan *DeviceInfo
Layout *syslayout
type listeners struct {
Listeners map[uint32]*lischan
type lischan struct {
type syslayout struct {
Devs map[uint32]*DeviceInfo
uint32 //index
func NewInfoStream() *InfoStream {
dch := make(chan *DeviceInfo)
s := &InfoStream{Stream:dch}
m := make(map[uint32]*DeviceInfo)
s.Layout = &syslayout{Devs:m}
s.listeners = &listeners{Listeners:make(map[uint32]*lischan)}
return s
func (s *InfoStream) Start() {
// consistency
go s.Listener()
// goal is to hook every new manager into the reactor status chan
func (s *InfoStream) AddSender() *StatusMonitor {
sm := NewStatusMonitor(s.Stream) // give the channel we monitor for incoming updates
return sm
func (s *InfoStream) Listener() {
for {
deviceInfo := <-s.Stream
go s.Update(deviceInfo)
go s.Echo(deviceInfo)
func (s *InfoStream) Update(d *DeviceInfo) {
if dev, ok := s.Layout.Devs[d.Id]; !ok {
d.Index = s.Layout.uint32
s.Layout.uint32 += 1
} else {
d.Index = dev.Index
s.Layout.Devs[d.Id] = d
go s.Echo(d)
func (l *listener) Echo(d *DeviceInfo) {
defer l.RUnlock()
// read only lock
for _, lis := range l.Listeners {
go func(listener *lischan, dev *DeviceInfo){
defer listener.Done()
listener.StatusChan <-dev
func (s *InfoStream) AddListener(id uint32, ch chan *DeviceInfo) (map[uint32]*DeviceInfo, *StatusMonitor) {
defer s.listner.Unlock()
defer s.Layout.Unlock()
if sm, ok l.listener.Listeners[id]; ok {
// listener already exists return nil
// going to delete and create a new one here just because f it
return s.Layout.Devs, sm
} else {
ch := make(chan *DeviceInfo)
sm := NewStatusMonitor(ch)
s.listener.Listeners[id] = sm
return s.Layout.Devs, sm
func (l *listener) RemoveListener(id uint32) error {
defer l.Unlock()
if lis, ok := l.Listeners[id]; !ok {
return errors.New("Listener doesn't exists!")
} else {
return nil
//func (s *InfoStream) GetLayout() map[uint32]*DeviceInfo {
//defer s.Layout.RUnlock()
//return s.Layout.Devs
// status buffer maintaince
type StatusMonitor struct {
// serve as base to embed in managers to send/receive device info
TransactionId chan uint32 // monotonically increases to track outdated reqs
StatusChan chan *DeviceInfo // sending reactor info in same fmt
Buffer *buf
type buf struct {
Buffer map[uint32]*DeviceInfo //directory of changes since last req
func (s *StatusMonitor) Start() {
go s.GenerateIds()
func (s *StatusMonitor) GenerateIds() {
var id uint32
id = 0
for {
s.TransactionId <-id
id += 1
func (s *StatusMonitor) Send(d *DeviceInfo) {
d.TransactionId = <-s.TransactionId
logging.Debug(logging.DClient,"SYS 01 Updating %s Info (%s, %s)", d.Type, d.Status, d.Data)
s.StatusChan <-d
// now to tie it all together
type SystemViewer struct {
// stores system directory and provide methods to be embedded in managers
ReactorStream *InfoStream // can add itself as a listener to provide methods
DeviceStream *ds
type ds struct {
Reactors map[uint32]*InfoStream //map from reactor id to its device info stream
Clients map[uint32]uint32 // maps tui ids to checked out reactor dev ids
func NewSystemViewer() *SystemViewer {
rs := NewInfoStream()
s := &SystemViewer{ReactorStream:rs}
m := make(map[uint32]*InfoStream)
c := make(map[uint32]uint32)
s.DeviceStream = &ds{Reactors:m,Clients:c}
return s
func (s *SystemViewer) Start() {
go s.ReactorStream.Start()
func (s *SystemViewer) AddReactorSender() *StatusMonitor {
return s.ReactorStream.AddSender()
func (s *SystemViewer) AddDeviceSender(reactorId uint32) *StatusMonitor {
defer s.DeviceStream.Unlock()
var ds *InfoStream
var ok bool
if ds, ok = s.DeviceStream.Reactors[reactorId]; !ok {
ds = NewInfoStream()
s.DeviceStream.Reactors[reactorId] = ds
go ds.Start()
return ds.AddSender()
func (s *SystemViewer) AddReactorListener(tid uint32) (map[uint32]*DeviceInfo, *StatusMonitor) {
// adds status monitor as a listener and returns any reactors loaded before our channel is active
// id serves as client id and limits them to one of each
rstatus, ch := s.ReactorStream.AddListener(id)
if sm
func (s *SystemViewer) AddDeviceListener(rid, tid uint32) (map[uint32]*DeviceInfo, *StatusMonitor) {
// adds status monitor as a listener and returns any reactors loaded before our channel is active
// id serves as client id and limits them to one of each
rstatus, sm := s.ReactorStream.AddListener(id)
if sm
func (s *SystemViewer) GetReactorStatus() map[uint32]DeviceInfo {
devs := s.ReactorStream.GetLayout()
ret := make(map[uint32]DeviceInfo)
for id, dev := range devs {
ret[id] = *dev
return ret //value instead of ptr
func (s *SystemViewer) GetDeviceStatus(reactorId uint32) map[uint32]DeviceInfo {
ds := s.DeviceStream.Reactors[reactorId]
devs := ds.GetLayout()
ret := make(map[uint32]DeviceInfo)
for id, dev := range devs {
ret[id] = *dev
return ret