package server
import (
pb "FRMS/internal/pkg/grpc"
// this package will implement a reactor coordinator and associated go routines
type ReactorCoordinator struct {
Server *ReactorListener // embedding parent listener to call methods
Ip string
Port int
Id uint32
Model string
MaxAttempts int
func NewReactorCoordinator(s *ReactorListener, ip, model string, port int, id uint32) *ReactorCoordinator {
return &ReactorCoordinator{Server: s, Ip: ip, Port: port, Id: id, Model: model,MaxAttempts:3}
func(r *ReactorCoordinator) Start() {
// establish connection with reactor and start pinging at set intervals
var opts []grpc.DialOption
opts = append(opts,grpc.WithTransportCredentials(insecure.NewCredentials()))
go r.Monitor(opts)
func (r *ReactorCoordinator) Exit() {
// exit function to eventually allow saving to configs
fmt.Printf("Reactor %v exiting", r.Id)
func (r *ReactorCoordinator) Monitor(opts []grpc.DialOption) {
retry := 0
conn, err := grpc.Dial(fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v",r.Ip,r.Port),opts...)
if err != nil {
r.Server.Err <-err
defer conn.Close()
client := pb.NewMonitoringClient(conn)
for true {
req := &pb.SensorStatusRequest{Id:r.Id}
resp, err := client.SensorStatusHandler(context.Background(),req)
ok := true
if err != nil {
ok = false
r.Server.Err <-err
if ok {
fmt.Printf("Reactor %v at %v has %v devices connected:\n %v\n",r.Model, r.Ip, len(resp.GetSensors()), resp.GetSensors())
retry = 0
} else if retry >= r.MaxAttempts {
// ran out of attempts to connect; killing
fmt.Printf("Reactor %v at %v Down! Exiting Coordinator",r.Id,r.Ip)
}else {
fmt.Printf("Reactor %v at %v ping failed, retrying %v time(s)",r.Model,r.Ip, r.MaxAttempts-retry)
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)