package server
import (
pb "FRMS/internal/pkg/grpc"
// the goal here is to set up a gRPC handler to respond to reactor pings with their IP and to establish a new coordinator for that specific reactor
type ReactorListener struct { // exporting for easy use in the short term
Reactor map[uint32]*ReactorCoordinator
Ip string
Port int
Err chan error
mu sync.Mutex
func NewReactorListener(ch chan error) *ReactorListener {
m := make(map[uint32]*ReactorCoordinator)
ip := ""
port := 2000
return &ReactorListener{Err:ch, Reactor:m, Port:port, Ip:ip}
func (r *ReactorListener) GetIp() string {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
return r.Ip
func (r *ReactorListener) GetPort() int {
defer r.mu.Unlock()
return r.Port
func (r *ReactorListener) Start() {
// start grpc server and implement reciever
err := r.Register()
if err != nil {
r.Err <- err
// reactor listener started and grpc library will execute listener
fmt.Printf("Started listener on %v:%v\n",r.Ip,r.Port)
func (r *ReactorListener) Register() error {
// creates a gRPC service and binds it to our handler
lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v",r.Ip,r.Port))
if err != nil {
return err
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer()
pb.RegisterHandshakeServer(grpcServer, r)
go grpcServer.Serve(lis)
return nil
func (r *ReactorListener) ReactorDiscoveryHandler(ctx context.Context, ping *pb.ReactorDiscoveryRequest) (*pb.ReactorDiscoveryResponse, error) {
// incoming reactor ping need to spawn coord
rc, ok := r.Reactor[ping.GetId()]
fmt.Printf("Reactor %v has connected from addr %v and provided port %v\n",ping.GetId(),ping.GetIp(),ping.GetPort())
// if reactor exists
if ok {
go rc.Start()
} else {
rc := NewReactorCoordinator(r,ping.GetIp(),ping.GetModel(),int(ping.GetPort()),ping.GetId())
go rc.Start()
r.Reactor[ping.GetId()] = rc
return &pb.ReactorDiscoveryResponse{Success:true}, nil